x-ray mistake

What can I do if a medical professional failed to x-ray my stab wound which led to a retained foreign body being missed?

A stab wound sounds dramatic and serious, and one would think that any stab wound victim would automatically receive an x-ray to discover the extent of internal damage. In a busy accident and emergency department, a stab wound that appears superficial may not get the level of examination you might expect.

cancel operation

Your rights if your operation is cancelled due to Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic has put enormous strain on our healthcare system, with our dedicated NHS staff working tirelessly to tend to the thousands of extra patients this unforgiving virus has generated.

As the Covid-19 crisis has deepened, increased hospitalisations have forced most routine or elective surgery to be halted, numerous outpatient appointments and referrals have been delayed, and screening and tests for medical conditions were deferred or cancelled.

waiting list

Delays to routine surgery

If you or one of your loved ones has suffered delays to your treatment due to Covid-19, which has had a negative impact on your health and wellbeing, or if you fear that the vital treatment is likely to be cancelled or put on hold in the future, it is important that you seek help from a specialist medical negligence solicitor as soon as possible.

Flu jab

Flu vaccination delays

Given there is no vaccine for coronavirus yet, the drive to increase immunisation against flu stems from the double threat posed by flu and coronavirus this winter. Research shows that catching flu and coronavirus simultaneously can have serious, sometimes fatal, consequences.